Welcome to APSSS-1!
You are cordially invited to participate in the 1-st Asia-Pacific Symposium on Solid Surfaces, which will be held in Vladivostok, Russia, at the Campus of Far-Eastern Federal University, located on Russian Island, from September 28 to October 2, 2014. This Symposium expands Russia-Japan Seminar on Semiconductor Surfaces, ten of which held alternately in Russia and Japan starting from 1993 till 2012, to the Asia-Pacific Countries to strengthen their relations and widen range of solid surface phenomena which meet the needs of the times.
The Symposium is opened for the scientists and engineers in such fields as condensed matter physics, surface physics, and molecular physics. We hope for the participation of everyone active in the fields to report on the latest developments in a lively, stimulating, interactive and friendly atmosphere.
The idea of this seminar was born in 1991 when Prof. K. Oura (Osaka Univ.) and Prof. V.G. Lifshits (Inst. Automation and Control Processes, RAS) met each other for the first time. It was discussed and confirmed that such seminar could be an excellent opportunity for direct exchange of information and personal contacts among Russian and Japanese colleagues. As a result, the first Russia-Japan seminar on Semiconductor Surfaces was held in Vladivostok, Russia in 1993. The following seminars were held almost every second year at Vladivostok and Japan alternately.
The subjects of the seminar include all kinds of surface and interface properties of semiconductors, such as surface and interface structures, surface phase transition, surface reaction, metal-semiconductor junctions, insulator-semiconductor junctions, epitaxial growth, nano-structures, tunneling phenomena, and electric, thermal and mechanical properties of semiconductor surface and interfaces, etc.
Brief History
- RJSSS-1 September 5-12 1993 (Vladivostok)
- JRSSS-2 November 11-17, 1995 (Osaka)
- RJSSS-3 September 18-25, 1998 (Vladivostok
- JRSSS-4 November 12-19, 2000 (Nagoya)
- RJSSS-5 September 15-20, 2002 (Vladivostok)
- JRSSS-6 October 10-17, 2004 (Toyama)
- RJSSS-7 September 17-21, 2006 (Vladivostok)
- JRSSS-8 October 19-23, 2008 (Sendai)
- RJSSS-9 September 26-30, 2010 (Vladivostok)
- JRSSS-10 September 26-28, 2012 (Tokyo) All Vladivostok Seminars were hosted by Institute of Automation and Control Processes, Far Eastern Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences (IACP FEB RAS).
The goal of Asia-Pacific Symposium on Solid Surfaces is to present new concepts,
techniques and applications of atomically controlled processes at surfaces,
interfaces and nanostructures. The Symposium covers:
- Surface/Interface Structures and Properties
- Thin Film Growth and Application
- Electronic Transport and Nano-Electronics
- Surface and Interface for Electronic Devices
- Nano-Magnetism and superconductors
- Graphene, Carbon Nanotubes, and Related Nanomaterials
- Molecular Assembly and Molecular-Based Devices
- Atomic and Molecular Manipulation
The conference official language is English.
Presentation style is oral
Important Dates
Visa application & Registration deadline: May 31, 2014
Abstract submission deadline: July 31, 2014