General Information
The 9th Russia-Japan Seminar on Semiconductor Surfaces (RJSSS-9) will be held in
Vladivostok, Russia on September 26 to 30. The idea of this seminar was born in
1991 when Prof. K. Oura and Prof. V.G. Lifshits met each other for the first
time. It was discussed and confirmed that such seminar could be an excellent
opportunity for direct exchange of information and personal contacts among
Russian and Japanese colleagues. As a result, the first Russia-Japan seminar
on Semiconductor Surfaces was held in Vladivostok, Russia in 1993.
The subjects of the seminar include all kinds of surface and interface
properties of semiconductors, such as surface and interface structures,
surface phase transition, surface reaction, metal-semiconductor junctions,
insulator-semiconductor junctions, epitaxial growth, nano-structures,
tunneling phenomena, and electric, thermal and mechanical properties
of semiconductor surface and interfaces, etc.
Brief History
RJSSS-1 September 5-12 1993 (Vladivostok)
JRSSS-2 November 11-17, 1995 (Osaka)
RJSSS-3 September 18-25, 1998 (Vladivostok)
JRSSS-4 November 12-19, 2000 (Nagoya)
RJSSS-5 September 15-20, 2002 (Vladivostok)
JRSSS-6 October 10-17, 2004
RJSSS-7 September 17-21, 2006 (Vladivostok)
JRSSS-8 October 19-23, 2008 (Sendai)
For Japanese participants
Prof. Shuji HASEGAWA
Department of Physics, School of Science, University of Tokyo
7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-0033, Japan
Tel/Fax (Direct) +81-3-5841-4167
For Russian participants
If you have any questions, please, contact:
Prof. Saranin A.A.
Bekhtereva O.V.