1. Professor Takashi Suemasu, Tsukuba University, Tsukuba, Japan "Research progress on Ba-Si compound thin films for energy applications"

2. Professor Yoshiaki Nakamura, Osaka University, Osaka, Japan

3. Professor Aleksei V. Novikov, IPM RAS, N. Novgorod, Russia "Group IV heterostructures for quantum technologies and silicon photonics".

4. Professor Dmitry B. Migas, BSUIR, Minsk, Belarus "3D, 2D and 1D in silicon, silicides, III-V compounds and transition metal oxides: ab initio prediction of unexpected properties"

5. Professor Junhua Hu, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou, China

6. Professor Dmitrii A. Gorin, Scoltex, Moscow, Russia "Nano- and microstructured materials and photonics work together for biomedical applications"


1. Professor Haruhiko UDONA, Ibaraku University, Ibaraku, Japan "Recent advances in SWIR sensors using single crystalline Mg2Si"

2. Professor A.V. Filimonov St. Peterburg Polytechnical University, S.-Petersburg, Russia "Solid solutions of relaxors with different type of ordering".

3. Professor A.A. Naberezhnov, PTI RAS, S.-Petersburg, Russia "Ferroelectric nanocomposites on base of porous glasses with modified interfaces"

4. PhD D.S. Saranin, MISIS, Moscow, Russia "Scaling Perovskite Solar Panel Technology for Ground-Based and Orbital Photovoltaics"

5. Professor N.I. Plyusnin, INME RAS, Moscow, Russia " Vapor-phase growth of extremely thin films in the metal-silicon system: a series of works"

6. PhD A.S. Tarasov, Institute of Physics SB RAS, Krasnoyarsk, Russia "Synthesis, structure and electronic properties of epitaxial thin films of MAX phases"

7. Professor V. Neshchimenko, AmSU, Blagoveshchensk, Russia "Prospects of using hollow particles of oxide powders in spacecraft thermal control coatings"

8. PhD S.V. Zabotnov, Lomonosov MSU, Moscow, Russia "Laser-assisted fabrication of magnetic biosensors"

9. PhD L.V. Bondarenko, IACP FEB RAS, Vladivostok, Russia